Meta Point
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MP and Max MPA character should have an amount of Max MP equal to their lowest Core Value, plus their level, multiplied by their MPLV parameter. MPLV is considered the 'hitdie' of Meta-Points and is by default set to 3. So whenever the character's lowest Core Value improves, and every time they level up, they gain an amount of Maximum MP equal to their MPLV. So Max MP calculations is the sum total of: ♦ Recovering MPCharacters usually recover an amount of MP equal to the number of Experience points earned in a session. Otherwise, the Game-Master can devise alternate ways to regain MP through narrative progression, time passing, and/or epic feats. Players can even spend experience points to recover an equal amount of MP, if they so choose. Recovering MP shouldn't be as easy as recovering HP and from conditions. Items that outright recover or increase (Max) MP should be rare as to preserve some semblance of balance across a campaign. Meta-AbilitiesMeta-Abilities are special actions and reactions a character can use to alter the results of checks and the way the game is played. They always cost some amount of MP in order to use, but only when the Ability creates a meaningful alteration to an event or check. This means that using a Meta-ability will never cost MP if the result can't change a character's fate or result in a meaningful way. Create a Meta-DieThe most basic and effective result-modification Ability is Safe-6
Force Fate
Metaphor Cost OptionsMeta-Points can be used for more than just Meta-abilities, they can also serve as a way to spend them to power character Metaphors. Either by spending MP to use them, or by sacrificing Maximum MP values to grant themselves special passive powers and traits. Pay attention to the use cases of each option, as these are Advanced options for Meta-points and are not for every character and game scenario. Meta-Points as a ResourceThe first way to use Meta-points is to make them a resource that a character uses to empower their Metaphors. Metaphors don't normally need to use MP as there are other, easier ways to interpret costs such as energy drain and stress (Status Magnitude). So using MP to use certain Metaphors could be arranged if the Metaphor's power warrants it and the Game-Master allows. Given this is a non-standard implementation of Metaphor costs, talk to your Game-Master to whether using MP to power a character's Metaphors is right for them. Usually, Metaphors don't require Meta-points to use. Max MP for Passives or MetaphorsAnother way to use Meta-points is to sacrifice maximum MP in order to grant a character a permanent trait or passive, possibly in the form of an Metaphor, without requiring any kind of concentration or Core Value affecting cost. The character's maximum MP will be reduced for as long as the passive remains active. Passives that are innate or intrinsic to a character's essence or biology may not be possible to revert or remove. The amount of Max MP sacrificed will differ between the kind of passive, costing more depending on how powerful it is. It may even be possible for it to consume more Max MP in the case of an enhancable Metaphor, whereby improving the related Metaphor will increase its Max MP cost. Note: It is normal for characters to have traits and passives that don't require sacrificing Max MP to obtain. Max MP for passives is generally for special circumstances in which a player wants their character to be augmented but a Game-Master requires something in return. |