Character Sheet

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A Character Sheet is a critically important document and record of a character's stats, Metaphors and equipment. This page will provide information to obtain and explain terms on the character sheet used in Metaforce.

The character sheet for Metaforce can be found on Google Sheets, anyone is permitted to create a copy for their own characters, you can find the link here: Metaforce Character Sheet (Template)


The colour coding used on the Character sheet is important. 

♦ White/Yellow fields are free for players to edit how they like.
♦ Green fields are editable, but should only be changed or set by the Game-Master of the game the character is involved in.
♦ Blue fields should not be edited, either they serve as headers for fields or they are auto-calc fields that will break if edited.

Character Details

Located at the top left of the page, the player can enter various details about their character including their name, typed appearance, links to visuals and so on.
Name or alias of the person this character belongs to.

Character Name
Name of the character the sheet is for.

Enter a hyperlink to an image that others can use to look at the character visually.

A single line for adding notes that are important to the player or the Game-Master.

The name of the character's species, race and/or sub-race. Can also include creature type.

Size Rating
The Size factor for the character, normal human-sized characters are Size 1 by default.
(Three fields on the right show the projected Height and weight of a character in feet, pounds and meters)

Base Attribute Points
Determines the starting number of Attribute points given to a character at creation. Default: 8. Game-master can change this.

Field to store the amount of Experience points character currently owns.

Move Speed (in Squares)
Shows the distance a character can move in a Combat/Encounter round for free, and the number of squares moved on a grid.

Range/Space (in Squares)
Shows the amount of physical space and the natural reach of a character. Both values scale alongside each other but actual values may vary by circumstance.

Carry Capacity
Carry Bonus
Adds an amount of extra item Bulk that a character can carry. Default: 0.

Displays the current amount of Item/Equipment Bulk carried by character. Affected by Inventory section (shown below).

Load (%)
An informational calculation of how loaded a character is by a percentage. Anything 100% or greater will incur severe penalties. Calculated by taking the 'Remaining' value and dividing it by 'Max'.

Shows the remaining number of Item bulk points remaining before a character is overloaded.

Shows the character's actual Item Bulk capacity. Affected by the character's Body Core Value and Carry Bonus.

Three open fields for a player to record any miscellaneous currencies they hold, mundane or otherwise.

Attributes / Core Values / Combat

XP to UP
Auto-calc indicators showing how many experience points are required to improve the Attribute on the same row by one.
Remember: If you are improving an Attribute in this way, make sure you increment Attribute Up by one and have non-zero points in Points Remaining (left).

Enter positive (or negative) values to change the character's Attribute modifiers. They automatically affect Core Values.

Dice Rank
Depending on the modifier entered previously, assign the appropriate Meta Dice. If at zero, leave blank.

XP to Level
The value on the right shows how many experience points are required to increase the character's level by one.

Points Remaining
The value on the right shows how many Attribute points need to be assigned to the Attribute modifiers.

Level / Limit
The value below denotes both the character's Level, as well as the maximum Attribute modifiers permitted for that level.

HP (Current, Max)
Shows a field the player can enter their current HP amount, and an auto-calc field of the character's Maximum HP after accounting for their other stats.

MP (Current, Max)
Same principle as HP, except for Meta-points.

Fatigue (Current, Max)
A pair of fields used to track Fatigue for characters. See Status Magnitude for more information.

Uses the Current and Max value of each resource to produce a percentage of remaining HP/MP, or how fatigued a character is.

Max Bonus
Value adds a flat bonus to Maximum HP, MP or Fatigue respectively. Generally for permanent modifiers.
Core Values
These values are the permanent Core values to which all other stats are determined by. Each row is affected by different Attributes.

Base Bonus
For modifiers to Core values that are permanently affecting, these will change stats beyond gaining Attribute points.

These values help determine the character's status resistance per Core value. These don't affect other stats.

Status Bonus
This modifier affects the character's Core value status resistance.

Combat / Resistances

Combat Stats
Status Threshold (Stat, Effective)
These values show what the character's full, effective status resistance to any effects that target a Core value.

Defense (Evasion, Deflection)
Shows the character's effective Evasion and Deflection values used in Combat scenarios.

Shows the bonus a character applies when rolling for Initiative for combat, base value is the same as Reflex.

(Equipment, Temp Bonus)
These fields can allow modifiers and bonuses based on two principles. Equipment is for any bonuses provided by objects worn or held by the character, and Temp Bonuses for effects that don't last forever but still affect the appropriate stat.
A list of pre-built damage types have been provided, these fields are freely editable to accommodate any game type that may or may not have need for these default types.

Value that shows how many damage points are reduced (or added, if negative) when a type of damage is dealt to the character.

Controls the amount of Damage Reduction a character takes that is constant/permanently applied without outside assistance.

Another modifier field for damage reduction brought about by items and equipment such as armour.

Sheet Parameters

These can be found at the bottom of the left side of the sheet. These control how certain calculations work and some can be used to customise a character.

Sheet Parameters
Experience to Level
Controls the base amount of experience points required to level up. Usually set to the number of Attribute points given at creation.

EXP to Level Increment
Controls the increase in cost to Level up after leveling up. Usually set to 2 (default number of Attribute points per level).

Attribute UPs per Level
This affects how many Attribute-improvement opportunities a character has per level, including first level. Usually set to 1.

Core Value on Level
This changes whether a character gains +1 to all Core values each time they level. Set to 0 by default.

Attribute on Level
Controls the amount of Attribute points given after every level-up. Set to 2 by default. Usually matched with 'EXP to Level Increment'.

Simply the character's level minus one. You should not touch this value.

Half Level
This shows the character's level divided by 2, rounded down. Again, do not touch.

Third Level
This shows the character's level divided by 3, rounded down. Can't touch this.
Base Body, Base Reflex, Base Mind
These values determine the number of Core values (each) a character starts with, before adding their Attributes.

Base Height, Base Weight
Players can set these values to determine the height (in feet) and weight (in pounds) of their character at Size 1 (human size).

Size Mod
This field is used by the sheet to determine the character's Size Rating minus one. You shouldn't touch this either.

This is the HP multiplier, or 'hitdie' for the character. Should be an even number and is set to 6 by default.

This is the MP multiplier used to calculate Meta-Points. This can be any whole number but is set to 3 by default.

Speed Bonus
This modifies the character's movement speed in feet. This value is affected by Size Rating. Should not be used for speed penalties.

Base Speed
This alters the base amount of movement speed for a character. This adds/subtracts speed so is unaffected by Size.


This section is located right of the previous sections. This is where you will record the values and effects of a character's Metaphors. This list is not limited by number of Metaphors, you are free to expand/drag the list downwards to make more room if needed.
Where you would write the name of the Metaphor being recorded.

Where you would write the name of the Sub-ability belonging to the Ability listed above. Leave blank if you are using this line to define a Metaphor's Ability.

This field is where you write down the number or value of a Metaphor Ability or Sub-Ability. Values of 0 or - are permitted but treated as inactive or not obtained.

A single line to clearly define and describe the scope and bonus of a Metaphor Ability, or the conditions and bonus of a Sub-Ability. If you need more room to explain a Metaphor, you can use the next section 'Powers & Traits' to write a baseline.

Traits & Features

This sections is right of Metaphors and may require scrolling on most computers. Like Metaphors, the list is not limited, expand the rows down if required.
The name of the Power, Trait, Ability or Metaphor being described. If it is a Metaphor, using the same name helps draw a connection to the two. If it is a Progression, you can denote the minimum level for this feature to become active. 

Another single-line field to help describe the properties and operations of a trait or feature, and whether it relates to a Metaphor owned.


This section is located right of Powers & Traits. This is a good place to list all the items held and worn by a character. It also features a mechanic to calculate Item bulk in an earlier section.
Quantity / Status
This field serves a dual-purpose. If the item is a piece of equipment then words such as 'Worn' 'Held' or 'Equipped' can denote such items are actively used. Other items such as consumables can have a number next to them to indicate how many are carried.

Write the name of the Item or Equipment being recorded. You may also add plus numbers (+1) if relevant.

Helps define the item's purpose or type. Equipment will usually be something like 'Clothes' 'Armour' or 'Weapon'. Other items include 'Tool', 'Consumable', 'Food', 'Currency' and many more.

A value denoting the size/weight of an object. Can be whole numbers or fractions (0.1).

A single line that can be used to describe the item's appearance and purpose. For equipment such as armour and weapons, also contain the stats used in combat.