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Metaforce is a d12 genre-agnostic framework designed to allow a wide variety of game settings and scenarios while enabling players to build and customise their character’s powers, skills and abilities with numerically-backed scores known as Metaphors
Modular Skills and Powers
are skills, powers and abilities a character can use to defend themselves or gain an advantage within their environment throughout various campaigns and settings. The Game Master and Player should communicate to each other to create and design Metaphors that are appropriate to the campaign.
Exploding Dice
D12s and other damage dice have the ability to ‘explode’, allowing an additional die of the same number of sides to be rolled upon rolling its highest value. Typically, Skill and ToHit checks and Damage Dice can explode in this way. Only the original die can explode, therefore the conjured die will not explode even if they roll their highest value.
Rank/Meta Dice
Meta Dice, also known as Rank die. Appear in Attributes and Metaphors of value 1 or greater. Starting at d4 and working up to d6, d8, d10 and d12, these dice can be added to improvised checks where no Metaphor can be used, or with a metaphor under certain conditions. The unique quality of these dice is that they can’t roll below a certain number, usually noted by its value. d6/2 means a d6 is rolled but if the roll is a 1, it becomes a 2. d12/5 equally means it can’t roll below a 5.
Attributes / Core Values
There are 6 Attributes
(Strength, Endurance, Agility, Perception, Intellect, Charisma) that can be added to various checks, these Attributes contribute towards 3 Core Values
(Body, Reflex, Mind) which govern a number of other stats including Health-Points (HP
), Meta-Points
(MP), Deflection and Evasion.
Status Conditions and Magnitude
Status Conditions
have a value known as a Magnitude, and if Magnitude exceeds the appropriate Core Values of the target, the status condition’s full effects are applied. If it is less than their Core value, lesser effects may apply instead.
MediaWiki Setup
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.