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There are 6 Attributes (Strength, Endurance, Agility, Perception, Intellect, Charisma) that can be added to various checks, these Attributes contribute towards 3 Core Values (Body, Reflex, Mind) which govern a number of other stats including Health-Points (HP), Meta-Points (MP), Deflection and Evasion.


Your character has six primary attributes which can be called upon for Skill checks, as well as affect other values important to their stats. Whenever a character needs to do a check which they have no Metaphor prepared for it, they may add a bonus based on their Attribute dice to aid in the check’s success. This is known an an Improvised/Attribute check.

A character is usually limited to 10 points per attribute at maximum, unless they have the means to bypass this limitation. Sometimes the Game-Master can allow up to 12 points per Attribute.

Attributes and Affected Core Values

Attributes increase a Core value by one (1). Core value in parentheses increases by 0.5. Only whole points count for Cores:
Attribute to Core-Value Chart
Attribute +1 bonus +0.5 bonus Description
Strength Body (Reflex) “The ability to physically move themselves and the things around them”
Endurance Body (Mind) “The ability to maintain their physical health and stamina”
Agility Reflex (Body) “The ability to move both quickly and precisely without fail”
Perception Reflex (Mind) “The ability to be aware of, and react to their surroundings effectively”
Intellect Mind (Reflex) “The ability to learn, retain and recall information for practical uses”
Charisma Mind (Body) “The ability to influence others and the integrity of one’s personality”

Attribute Bonus

Most skill and combat checks can benefit from the user’s own Attributes. For skill checks, the most appropriate Attribute modifier is added to the total modifiers. For combat/ToHit checks, the kind of Attribute used is dependent on the attack type.

Attribute dice may only be used in a check when called upon with an Action, such as Setup(Attribute). The value of the Attribute die can then be used to provide a bonus of the user’s choice, either as extra Tohit, additional damage or to inflict an appropriate amount of Status magnitude on hit.

Improvised Checks

When the character is checked against a circumstance in which they have no skills or abilities that benefit them, they will do so as an Improvised Roll, improvised rolls are usually d12 + the relevant attribute’s modifier or die for the situation.

Starting at +1 and up to +5, an Attribute gains an Attribute die, which can be used for improvised checks, or enhanced attribute bonuses (when relevant). In order, the dice are d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12. When rolling an improvised check, the character can roll the die and add it to their result, however if the die rolls lower than the character’s modifier, use the modifier instead. Thus a d12 can’t roll lower than 5.

For Attributes of +6 and higher, the attribute die remains the same but the remainder is added as a bonus. As such, an attribute of 10 will give a bonus of d12/5+5 (6 to 17).

Attribute Limits

Except during the Creation phase, a character’s attributes can’t be raised higher than their current Character Level. This is known as the Attribute Limit. Once a character has leveled high enough, they can begin raising any of their attributes up to their current level.

Core Values

For more information about what stats are affected by Attributes, see Core Value.