Main Page
Metaforce is a d12 genre-agnostic framework designed to allow a wide variety of game settings and scenarios while enabling players to build and customise their character’s powers, skills and abilities with numerically-backed scores known as Metaphors
Character Creation
A section to help new players start creating their first character.Attributes
A section explaining the six essential aspects of a characters capabilities.Rolling for Checks
An explanation to what kind of checks are played in Metaforce and how to roll for them.Metaphor List
A list containing Metaphors players can use in games (Game-Master permitting).Game Mastery
A section for managing Metaforce games more effectively, rulings and guides for Game-Masters and Players alike.
Modular Skills and Powers
Exploding DiceDice with 12 sides (and sometimes other forms of die) can ‘explode’, allowing an additional die with the same number of sides to be rolled and added to the result upon rolling its highest value. Typically, Skill, ToHit, and Damage Dice can explode in this way. |
Meta Dice
Attributes / Core ValuesThere are 6 |
Status Conditions and Magnitude
Size and Size-Rating