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Game/Wiki News Archive

16th October 2024
Just as a way to keep things tidier, I created a News and Updates link to the sidebar (Desktop users only) and will now only keep the latest important messages on the main page to prevent it from pushing the Chapter article links down too much. So expect only one or two news items to appear here from now on, the rest will be in the News page as an archive.

Additionally, there is a discord link to the New Expanded Universe Discord. It is not a Metaforce product or setting, but is a great Sci-fi/Fantasy that involves similar mechanics. Also, it serves as a means to contact me (AlienOvan) in case you want to get in touch about the system. However, please be kind and also take a look at Reborn in Power, an Arthadian-Anthologies system. I will never forgive you if you don't.
14th October 2024
After finishing up the drafts for both Encounters and Action Points, the groundwork for Metaforce is on the home-stretch now. Some smaller articles need to be written for specific mechanics but it is starting to become a comprehensive and workable framework now. Metaforce should be expected to be officially in the Beta-2 state by the end of this month of October.

I have had some serious consideration to rename Progressions into something else, something snappier and less iniquitous. I'd bring shame to my family if I named it into 'Meta-something' one more time. Ideas I have considered include Arc, like character arcs. So when a character levels up, they are advancing as part of their own character build journey. If I decide to go with this idea, I'll be moving and updating article links to reflect this.

As for any playtests, they are likely not to start until November due to work commitments. I'll be looking forward to see others try the system out for their own games and provide feedback for late-development improvements.
30th September 2024
Progression of the Wiki is slow but steady, the 'Getting Started' section are nearly all blue links now. Creation of the Recommended Metaphors page will be in long-term development as certain advanced Metaphors will take some time to figure out completely. 

With development of Level Progressions, there will be a mechanic in place to give characters more meaningful level-up rewards aside from just gaining Attribute points. Likewise, when Progressions are used in a scenario, the amount of Attribute points gained per level will decrease to account for the extra benefits levels given. A Progression will basically make it easier to simulate things like Racial Traits/Ancestries and Class features.

I am aiming to have the majority of pages created and up to date by the end of October. And no doubt there will be rounds of editorializing in order to make sure each page is consistent and coherent to the masses. I will update the main page with more news when it is gets closer to Beta-2 testing.
18th September 2024
The Metaforce Wiki, as well as the Metaforce System is under construction at the moment as preparations for Beta-2 are made. Pages are being written and tested to be mostly feature-complete before it can be pushed live. Beta-2 is a revision to the system from the Closed Beta and takes into account feedback and suggestions from the play-testers who engaged in testing back in May.

So just fair warning, pages will be missing content (red links), the game will be ready for Beta-2 play when the page Game Mastery is created and completed. So keep an eye out for that!